Friday, May 23, 2008

Over Halfway Through May Already?

Hello All,

Where does the time go?
Things have been crazy here. April kind of just bled right into May. Okay, so April was kind of boring I guess. Everything really happened toward the end. I have been working at the supermarket down the street since July 16th, 2007 (I remember because it is our anniversary) and I worked for just over 4 months, my last day was November 20th (2 days before I had RuthAnne). Then I went back on February 4th 2008. So the total is like 10 months, but only 7 months working. Anyway, I was talking to my boss and he told me that he wanted to start training me for a different position. We call them CDHs (cash department head) but that is really his position, so I am an assistant (one of like 5). Basically I am the person that when a cashier has a problem they call over. So after 3 shifts of official training (like 14 hours) I have completed 4 shifts (like 30 hours) on my own. Things are going well, I just need to get a rhythm down and I will be set.

Just before I got my promotion the end of April came bringing the end of the Spring semester and first year of Seminary for Isaac. He was going to take some summer classes at the seminary but after thinking it over has decided to take two classes online rather than take the two classes he was going to take at the school. With him working nights and needing to sleep I wouldn't be able to work, and that doesn't work well for us. Work, for Isaac, has been going well. Although this week wasn't so great for the midnight shift. Isaac came home Tuesday morning informing me that a man, Chester, had passed away that night. Later this week we found out that he had a massive heart attack. It has been very rough for a lot of the guys because Chester had been working with UPS for a while and knew quite a few people.

So RuthAnne is almost 6 months old. She is eating solid food like a pro, she would rather eat food than her bottle. She is getting excited about things and reaching for them. I think she found her feet, but only with socks on, although today she was just holding onto her bare foot. She is almost sitting up on her own, well most people would probably claim that she is. I can get about 30 seconds to a minute without the boppy pillow. With it she sits for much longer. Because it is so low the only thing she uses it for is if she can't sit anymore and falls over, or she leans on it with her arms to prop herself up. [attached is a pic of her sitting up with the pillow so you can see her and it.] On April 21st we brought RuthAnne to her first Boston Marathon. She loved it. It was a nice sunny warm day and whenever she heard people cheering she was making noise too. She has started to respond when you talk to her, I don't know if she looks because we say her name or if she is just looking because you talk to her. She is still sleeping 11 hours at night and taking her naps; I'm going to brag a little (I figure if people can complain about non-sleeping babies I am going to brag about my sleeping baby). For a few days she had been taking longer naps than usual, which she does on occasion. Well, sometimes with babies they take what they sleep during the day and take it from their nighttime sleep. Not RuthAnne, she just didn't nap as much yesterday. I hope she keeps this up. :) A few weeks ago we were up at my parents house and we brought RuthAnne down to see the animals. The cows were okay, the goats were more interesting but the Mischief was her favorate. She picked that based on how excited they were. (Mischief, or Missy, is my parents boarder collie and if you know anything about boarder collies you know they are high energy.) [attached is a pic of her with one of the goats.]

Isaac took last week off from work. It was his first week without classes so he had nothing to do but play and take care of RuthAnne. I think it was some much needed rest for him. Patricia has officially moved out; the timing was perfect. We were thinking about moving RuthAnne into the second bedroom when Patricia moved out but we weren't sure. Well the first week without Patricia turned out to be Isaac's vacation week so we figured it would be the perfect time to try and move her. This way if RuthAnne didn't transition well I wouldn't have to bare the nights alone (like I have the past 6 months.) But, just as we figured she didn't change anything, she loves her new room and sleeps just like she did before. This week as been a harder transition for me because I am all alone in a room that I am used to sharing. Part of the reason that we were unsure about moving RuthAnne to her own room was because we had plans to move onto the campus apartments at Gordon-Conwell and there was a possibility that we would end up in a one bedroom apartment, so we didn't want to get her used to her own room if we were just going to have to move her back in with us. Well good news. We just heard that we will be moving into a TWO bedroom on or around June 1st. We have this place till the end of July and so we are going to be taking the month of June to move things, which means we don't really have to pack as we are only moving 5 miles down the road. So the next email will have our new address with it. (we know what it is now so if you plan to send us something starting June 1st, let us know and we will get it to you. I would love to pretend that our next update will come with the first of June, but I doubt it.)

During Isaac's week off we were able to take a day and head down to ENC to visit with our old bosses and co-workers at the library and then some professors. After our ENC trip we ventured down the road to see the youth group that we used to work with. One of the guys who is now a leader made RuthAnne a teddy bear; he named her Lizzy because her middle name is Elizabeth. It is the first toy that I have seen her get excited about every time she sees it. [attached is a pic of her and Lizzy]

So online classes is what Isaac has planned this summer, working is what I will be doing, and RuthAnne will be playing and growing.

I didn't think we had much to say, but I guess that wasn't true. ;) I'll leave the rest of May for a few weeks from now when June starts and I will try to get back into a habit of writing at the beginning of the month.
I am still working on RuthAnne's website and next month's email will have the address and how to use it.

We think about you all often and hope you are all doing well.

Our big girl sitting all by herself.

RuthAnne with Gram Murray and a goat.

RuthAnne and Lizzy

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